Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunflowers in Blue Greens

I am done! I am going to put a corded edge on this piece and call it quits. I added more stitching to it and a smattering of French knots. This seemed to be a lot of work for such a small piece, but I learned a lot in the journey and had some fun on the way. That is really all I ask for in the end. I want to thank everyone who left comments and those who emailed me. I appreciate you all taking the time to look and for the feedback.


Linda Teddlie Minton said...

Sherryl, this is just gorgeous. You're really onto something here! Love the combination of quilting and paints, and the combinations of colors. The beginning of a series?

Rachel Murphree said...

Dynamite! even better.... pat yourself on the back!

Anonymous said...

Sherryl, I'm glad to have found your blog. Like this piece a lot, along with some of your other more abstract pieces. Great sense of color and balance... You might like what I do, too... it's not quilted or sewn, though... Keep up the beautiful work.