Thursday, December 11, 2014

1 for the little girl....

0 for the medical supply company. Remember those crutches that almost did me in? Well I was checking over my medical bills this morning and found a charge  for them that was not covered by my insurance company. Turns out the hospital used a vendor that was not in my network. Hmmmm. They never asked or told me. So I called the medical supply company this morning and told them that I had not approved them and was not going to pay for them.  I wasn't using the crutches anyway and I was going to return them. They let me. I brought them back this afternoon and now have a zero balance. Geez, you really have to watch every little thing.

On another good note.. I got on the scale this morning and after sitting mostly on my butt for the past 5 1/2 weeks, I only gained 1 pound!

I am hobbling along here in my boot. Been on my own this past week as Ned had to go to China. I survived. He is on his way home... good thing as I am almost out of food.  The grocery store on my own would be daunting. I have had many friends offer to do the shopping for me and I thank you all... I would have asked if I needed it.

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